andrewsexpat Etats-Unis


Expatriée Américaine en Suisse
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My name is Brittany Andrews. I was born and raised in Atlanta, GA in the U.S. In December 2009, I moved to Zug, Switzerland. I live with my 5 year old son and enjoy painting, playing music, traveling, and hiking. My blog is called Guten Tag, Y'all: A Southerner living in Switzerland. I would have written Grüezi mitenand, but I thought that would be a bit confusing ;) I blog about my life as an expat mom living in Switzerland. I will post about my hikes, traveling and shopping around Switzerland, and Swiss culture.

Je suis membre depuis le 03 Avril 2012.

  • Je parle english, a little french, and a little german
  • Dans la vie, j'aime hiking, painting, kids, pying music, bagpipes
Activité récente
  • andrewsexpat
    a rejoint la communauté Suisse

Mon parcours

Depuis Décembre 2009
Zug, Suisse
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I am a stay at home mom. I have many friends in the international community, mostly other moms. I am in Democrats Abroad.

The language barrier, but that is my fault, not theirs.

Sept 1983 - Déc 2009
Atlanta, Etats-Unis
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I was born and raised here. I went to school and had my work experience here. I was a member of a pipe band (bagpipes and drums) and the Democratic Party.

The crime and close-mindedness of some. It is not the place where I wanted to raise my son.