
Ismail Shifau


New member

Maldivian citizen

Forum posts


About me


Lives in Male

Speaks English, Dhivehi

Registration: 21 October 2009


Ismail Shifau
Nicklen replied to a thread
11 years ago

Is it nice to live in Male? by nsl

I got a job which require me to relocate to male in mid december and I am still considering to take it or not. I have heard of some violent crimes happened in Male, wondering how bad the situation is in Male now? Mostly I have concern about safety ...

Ismail Shifau

Currently there's no violence. Yes there was numerous strikes on the road calling for early election. Now it's totally safe. If you need further assistance please dont hesitate to PM me. Regards Shifau Read More

Ismail Shifau
Nicklen replied to a thread
14 years ago

Souvenir shops by jcshine

I tried to search in maldives yellow pages for souvenir shops and came up nothing. How can I do and which directory to use?

Ismail Shifau

your welcome Read More

Ismail Shifau
Nicklen replied to a thread
14 years ago

Souvenir shops by jcshine

I tried to search in maldives yellow pages for souvenir shops and came up nothing. How can I do and which directory to use?

Ismail Shifau

Hi, try Read More

Ismail Shifau
Nicklen replied to a thread
14 years ago

Moving to Male by Agata1984

Hi Everybody :) My name is Agata. I am about to consider a job offer for a manager in travel business in Male. Could anyone give me some advice about living in Male? The cost of living, medical care, social life, activities? Is it safe to live ...

Ismail Shifau

HI Agata, Living here in Male' or Maldives is safe as there's no weapon's like guns or things like that on the road. Cost of living is a little bit high in Male' the capital but if you consider sharing a room with someone it might be cheaper. About ... Read More

Ismail Shifau
Nicklen replied to a thread
14 years ago
A.T. expat

me too... Moving to Male by A.T. expat

Hey fellow expats, Have read all of the posts, but I must've missed one or two replies that tells you the cost of accomodation in Male. Was planning to move there some time soon and would like to be on the safe side and make sure that I can afford ...

Ismail Shifau

usually, renting places in male' is difficult either it is too expensive or the place will be too small, depends on the budget your accumulating for rent. i think u can get a good room or an apartment for something like $650 and if your sharing it ... Read More

Ismail Shifau
Nicklen replied to a thread
15 years ago

I'm wanting to move oveseas for a yr or 2 and im thinking Maldives by limarose

Hi, I'm thinking about moving overseas for a while, and I'm considering the Maldives... What will I need to do to make the move? visa? and how hard is it to find work? and a place to live?

Ismail Shifau

Hi, I'm thinking about moving overseas for a while, and I'm considering the Maldives... What will I need to do to make the move? visa? and how hard is it to find work? and a place to live?Depends on the area of expertise you have. its not that ... Read More