

New member

Swedish expat in Canada

Forum posts


About me


Lives in Kingston

Speaks English, French, tiny bit of Korean

Registration: 09 May 2012


AlexZim replied to a thread
12 years ago

Initial move to Perth, very skeptical! by AlexZim

Hello, My girlfriend and I are moving to Perth soon from Ireland and Canada, respectively. We've found a good, shared, rental house where we want to stay in Bayswater, but we're a bit concerned about the cost: The house costs the tenants $720/month ...


Also, what was the actual rent like for your house in Perth? Is it 600/week, too? Read More

AlexZim replied to a thread
12 years ago

Initial move to Perth, very skeptical! by AlexZim

Hello, My girlfriend and I are moving to Perth soon from Ireland and Canada, respectively. We've found a good, shared, rental house where we want to stay in Bayswater, but we're a bit concerned about the cost: The house costs the tenants $720/month ...


Ok, thanks for that. How come you and your boyfriend decided to take a 4 bdrm house instead of a studio apartment? What was it like living in Sydney (cost, location, shared, etc.)? Read More

AlexZim created a thread
12 years ago

Initial move to Perth, very skeptical!

Hello, My girlfriend and I are moving to Perth soon from Ireland and Canada, respectively. We've found a good, shared, rental house where we want to stay in Bayswater, but we're a bit concerned about the cost: The house costs the tenants $720/month ... Read More

AlexZim created a thread
12 years ago

Work and live in Brisbane on a Working Holiday Visa

Hello, My girlfriend (Irish) and I (Canadian) will soon be moving to Australia on working holiday visas. We're currently deciding where might be the best place to start out. We've both traveled a fair bit already ; we aren't making the trip purely ... Read More