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South African looking for information about Canada

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South African

Lives in Cape Town

Registration: 19 May 2012


anthonyslater replied to a thread
9 years ago

Healthcare in Canada by Julien

Hi, how does the healthcare system work in Canada ? Is it efficient ? What are the main differences between public and private sectors? Is it recommended to purchase private health insurance in Canada? Thanks in advance for sharing your ...


I live in British Columbia. Here the healthcare, like most others, is run by the provincial government. You don't have the option to go private for certain things. Seeing a dr is not that bad but any special things such as Xrays, scans, surgery ... Read More

anthonyslater created a thread
12 years ago

Is Vancouver or Toronto better?

Hi. I'm a South African moving to Canada. I'd like to get some insights as to which city is better. I know Toronto is colder in winter (sometimes a lot colder eg -25C - not always though), but finding work might be easier as it is bigger (not sure ... Read More

anthonyslater replied to a thread
12 years ago

Possibly moving to Vancouver in the next 6 months by KT86

Hi my boyfried and I are currently looking at moving to Vancouver. He has an option with work and we have always loved it there when we have visited on holiday. I really wanted some advice as to where is best to live? We would be renting and have a ...


Hi. I agree - don't live too far off the Skytrain routes. Read More