Kasia Bal Polônia

Kasia Bal

Kasia Bal, Polaco procurando informa��o sobre na Itália
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Good afternoon All, my name is Kasia and I am from Poland. I am currently searching for a job in Milano to join my boyfriend, but so far it is very diffucult to find anything as I do not speak Italian at all. Could anyone perhaps give any hints on how to look for a job, any websites, headhunters etc... Also, from your own expierience: how long were you looking for a job and have you done it based already in Italy? I am so afriad to leave my current job in POland and move to Milano when I do not have a job found. I would be happy to hear how all of this looked like from your side . Thank you so much, I will appreciate any help. Kasia

Inscrevi-me ao expat.com no dia 21 Maio 2012.

  • Gosto de cinema, swimming, snowboarding, horse riding
Registro de atividade
  • Kasia Bal
    juntou-se � comunidade de expatriados Itália

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