michellerabin EUA


Michellerabin, Americana procurando informação sobre em Espanha
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I currently live in Hood River Oregon although I'm originally an east coaster. My husband and I are looking for a place to retire to, or have a second home, that will have a better quality of life, warmer weather year round and lower cost of living. We are nature lovers and want to live in area of natural beauty that also offers some cultural opportunities. We're looking for a strong ex-pat community although would like to engage local people as well. Southern coastal Spain looks appealing although we want to avoid touristy areas. We plan to spend a month this winter to see if we can find "our people".

Inscrevi-me ao expat.com no dia 24 Maio 2012.

  • Gosto de hiking, art, music, nature, design, tea
Registro de atividade
  • michellerabin
    juntou-se à comunidade de expatriados Espanha

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