maikefa Italia


Espatriata Italiana in Turchia
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Ciao a tutti! Do you love Italian language, food and culture? If you too, want to be transported to a timeless place, mesmerized and enchanted with the Italian language as your guide, here I am! ready to introduce you to la bella lingua. I'm an Italian language teacher working in a language school in Osmanbey, I've had more than 50 students, from 16 to 50 years old, university students and professional people: bankers, architects, engineers. For them I also manage an online page where we share educational materials such as videos, songs, exercises. They can provide you references if needed.

Sono un utente di dal 26 Maggio 2012

  • Parlo Italian, English, Turkish (basic)
  • Interessi personali photography, fine arts, books, cinema, swimming, nguage, biking, tango, outgoing, tear, stop motion, marionnets
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  • maikefa
    espatriato in Turchia

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