VaitkusTom Lituanie


Lituanien qui aimerait vivre à Malte
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13 posts sur le forum


Hello everybody, My name is Tomas Vaitkus. You can simply call me Tom. On June 12th. me and my girlfriend arriving to Malta. We are truly excited about it!!! Me and my girlfriend are lithuanians, but currently living and working in Netherlands. I'm personal trainer/fitness specialist, my girl has masters degree in communication field and works in NGO. Well, The Netherlands is great country - interesting culture and history, people are friendly and helpful and must say it is easy to find a job here. Many people asks me, why do you want to leave us/The Netherlands? And I must say, I can not come up with a precise explanation. I do not know why yet, but I have a great desire to come to Malta. Malta always was a mysterious gem of Mediterranean that attracted me all my life. And I do not want to wait any longer, I've stripped the hesitation of my shoulders - Now the time is right and I'm/we are making our move.

Je suis membre depuis le 29 Mai 2012.

  • Dans la vie, j'aime writing, history, outdoors, fitness, athtics, dogs, numismatics, biography
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  • VaitkusTom
    a rejoint la communauté Malte

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