Devster Sri Lanka


Espatriato Srilankese negli Emirati Arabi
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Hi I am from Sri Lanka. I say that but in true fact I have lived in so many different places it is not fair to even limit myself to one place. About me... I think its best I leave it for the future.... ask me and you shall know hehe.

Sono un utente di dal 02 Novembre 2009

  • Parlo English, Tamil, Sinhalease..... abit of french and spanish
  • Interessi personali movies, sports, list goes on, clubin, pubin
Registro delle attività
  • Devster
    espatriato negli Emirati Arabi

Percorso di espatrio

Ora vivo qui
Emirati Arabi
Emirati Arabi
Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka