I'm a Life Coach-Jamaican born, a Canadian citizen once residing in South Korea. I lived and worked there as an ESL teacher and met my soulmate there back in 2006. We returned to N. America in 2007 and stayed for 3 years. Korea lured us back. We stayed for two years and while we still love South Korea we became tired of the long winters... We had dreams of living in a country with only a rainy and dry season. We also both love Latin culture, my husband speaks fluent Spanish. And for me, I've held on to a dream of speaking Spanish fluently since childhood. After more than a year of planning and research we decided on Panama for many reasons including its proximity to N. America and Jamaica where we both have family members. We are now enjoying life in the beautiful highlands of Boquete Panama!
I joined expat.com on 18 June 2012.