DALILA ZOUGAR, Francês procurando informação sobre na Arábia Saudita
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Hello, Salam, My name is Dalila I life has bets since few years and native of Metz town in province... I work at Agency Responsable in the human resources as branch manager national, I like enormously my job because as says it so well the name, it am a human work... I have a lot to travel in the world, the professional and personal journey, what allowed me to adapt me in every types of circonstances and to share our values and principe, things a little lost in Europe... :( By typing on the Internet " how lives Saudia ", I fell on this forum very interrested! I wish to know how to come in Saudia Arabia for the business as practising Moslem woman and of Algerian origin? I read several things on the internet but I did not find reponses in the questioning... There is only my dad who tell me who is it, He been there a lot of times for el haj. It was a dream for him and now, for me too. It parallele of my work in HR, I have the project to create my mark of lingerie, I begin to be implanted in emirates Arabic united. I wish to propose my own mark of lingerie and to address that in public only woman... Only! I wish to presenter my product to the various shops of lingerie/undewer if there is... but also in the form of showroom private which enters only a saoudia women and expartied. We call this a "reunion tupperware between women". If you can help me on my project, I would thank you for it not enough ! In the pleasure to read to you and I hope you will undstand my english and my request. :) Dalila

Inscrevi-me ao expat.com no dia 01 Julho 2012.

  • Falo Anglais Arabe dialecte et Français
  • Gosto de voyage, sport, cture, famil, business
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    juntou-se à comunidade de expatriados Arábia Saudita

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