tobiasmagnusson Svezia


Cittadino Svedese che cerca informazioni in Svizzera
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Hello, hej, guten tag, and 你好. I am Tobias Jiang-Magnusson, and was born the 25th of October, 1990, on the island of Tjörn in the province of Bohuslän, Sweden. My current residence is Yunfu, Guangdong, PRC, where I live with my wife. We plan on returning to Sweden, so that she can embark upon a Bachelor of Economics in Gothenburg, and so that I can return to the studies I put on hold when I went to PRC, but from scratch, and on a slightly different track; pure mathematics. Before I came to PRC, I used to be a student of engineering mathematics at LTH in Lund, Scania, Sweden, but I was fairly bored at the lack of attention pure mathematics got among my fellow students, and in the curriculum, so putting the studies on hold was not a terribly difficult decision to make. I would however have made it even if the studies had been excellent and a perfect fit for my taste, for I love my wife more than I can ever love mathematics.

Sono un utente di dal 02 Luglio 2012

  • Parlo Swedish, English, some German, some Mandarin
  • Interessi personali travel, music, Films, cooking , gardening, Cycling, guitar, programming, jazz, carpentry, piano, mathematics, classical, mandarin, calligraphy, and the enjoyment of life
Registro delle attività
  • tobiasmagnusson
    espatriato a Zurigo

Percorso di espatrio

Vorrei trasferirmi lì
Zurigo, Svizzera
Vorrei trasferirmi lì
Gotemburgo, Svezia
Ora vivo qui