American looking for information about France
Forum posts
About me
Lives in New Orleans
Registration: 13 November 2009

CMU for retiree by jack713
I am retired and hoping to move to France. How difficult is it to get on CMU?

I have proof of my ability to support myself. How do I qualify for Social Security medical insurance? Read More

CMU for retiree
I am retired and hoping to move to France. How difficult is it to get on CMU? Read More

Things to do by KanuInParis
Hi! I'm Kanu, 26 doing my MBA here in Paris. I'd really like to make some new friends in the city, outside of school. I'm from India and speak very fluent English and below-average French. Let me know if you're interested in catching up over a ...

I am in the US hoping to retire next year in France. How difficult is it for a us retiree to get CMU coverage? Thank you. Read More

English radio in Paris?? by Julesy
Bonjour! Im new in paris and was wondering if there was any kind of English language radio station in Paris that can be listened to online or on the radio? I know they've just started a French language radio show in London, was wondering if there ...

Bonjour Please take a look at ExpatsRadio.com as we have just launched a new programme "New Orleans: The Music and Culture of the Crescent City". I hope you enjoy. Read More

New here by Lilmissmary
Hi I'm Marie, 32y and living in Collioure, working in Perpignan. Before I was living in the Orb valley as a property manager, moved to Andalusia and came back to France very quick because it seems I have a way to big french heart. After some moving ...

Hi Christine We are very interested in moving to Collioure from New Orleans. Do you have any suggestions on web sites to begin our house hunting? Thank you. Read More

Moving to Provence, advice needed, please. by gilly kippax
I and my husband are looking to move to Provence later in the year. We are looking for a 2/3 bedroomed house with an attached annexe or self contained studio (granny flat) to rent. Our budget is about 1000 euro`s per month. Any advice on immobliers, ...

We will be in your area 5-6 April & 19-20 April. Are you open on Mondays? Read More

monthly expenses in Languedoc Roussillon by jack713
My wife and I are planning to move to Languedoc Roussillon. We are wondering if you could give us an estimate on what utilities (gas,electric, trash etc) cost per month?

we would prefer a small village Read More

monthly expenses in Languedoc Roussillon
My wife and I are planning to move to Languedoc Roussillon. We are wondering if you could give us an estimate on what utilities (gas,electric, trash etc) cost per month? Read More

American Ex-Pat from New Orleans by cynthiakaye
I arrived in Brittany over what yall refer to as summer, although I think the hotest day was an average winter day for a New Orleanian. Now of course it is winter and its cold and rainy and horrible. So not to snivel or anything but I miss NOLA and ...

Yeah u Rite from the Big Easy where everybody is in Mardi Gras mode with the Saints going to the Super Bowl. Weather is beautiful right now. We will be in France this spring and we always have a wonderful time. Read More

expat blog by mrlemarquis
I've tried on many occasions to log in, but every time I get the message "password not accepted". Even a trial at asking for a new one (4 times) didn't solve the problem - so I registered again, under a different alias - We'll see what happens ...

are you getting this message? I hope all is well. Where are you? Read More

Moving to Provence, advice needed, please. by gilly kippax
I and my husband are looking to move to Provence later in the year. We are looking for a 2/3 bedroomed house with an attached annexe or self contained studio (granny flat) to rent. Our budget is about 1000 euro`s per month. Any advice on immobliers, ...

Thank you for your reply. My wife and I are hoping to move to France in the next year. We have been there a couple times and are totally enthralled with the area. We are coming back in April to scout for possibilities. Currently thinking of a small ... Read More

Moving to Provence, advice needed, please. by gilly kippax
I and my husband are looking to move to Provence later in the year. We are looking for a 2/3 bedroomed house with an attached annexe or self contained studio (granny flat) to rent. Our budget is about 1000 euro`s per month. Any advice on immobliers, ...

Gilly My wife and I are also preparing to move to Provence. We will be there in April for a scouting trip. We are currently in New Orleans. Where are you? If I get any info I will oass it along and I hope you will do the same. All the best. Jack Read More