Darryl86 Suiça


Darryl86, expatriado Suíço nos Emirados Árabes Unidos
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11 artigos no f�rum


Hey, I'm Darryl, originally Swiss and live in Dubai Since February 2012. I work in a famous hotel in town and look for locals and people from all over the world to talk to and exchange experiences (male and female). I am working on shifts and go to duty at any times of the day, sometimes at nights as well. I am looking forward hearing and talking to you!

Inscrevi-me ao expat.com no dia 20 Julho 2012.

  • Falo German, French, Spanish, English and I am learning Arabic
  • Gosto de cooking, music, arning nguages, cinema, talking, athtics, and and
Registro de atividade
  • Darryl86
    juntou-se � comunidade de expatriados Dubai

Experi�ncia expat

Desde Fevereiro 2012
Emirados Árabes Unidos
Dubai, Emirados Árabes Unidos
Fev 2011 - Out 2011
Andaluzia, Espanha
Jan 2009 - Out 2009
Nova Zelândia
Auckland, Nova Zelândia