American expat in Tanzania
Forum posts
About me
Registration: 28 July 2012

Starting a safari camp in Tanzania
Hi All, I am really interested in starting up a safari camp in Tanzania. I know that the TIC and a TALA license are the two main things I should be looking into, but does anyone have any advice on how to go about this??? And how realistic is ... Read More

Seeking advice: Ex-pat starting business in TZ. by gravitythread
Hello everyone, I was a Peace Corps volunteer in Tanzaia from 2006 to 2008. I loved the experience. Opened up my eyes more than anything else I've done in my life. Now I'm sitting back in America dreaming of getting back to the ex-pat life. I'd ...

HI Gravitythread, I am really interested in also starting up a tourism business out of Iringa! I am living in Tanzania at the moment and would also love to hear some advice from you! I know it is really difficult, but we are really eager to start ... Read More