kciceman USA


American looking for information about Ecuador
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My name is Daniel turned and I currently reside in Kansas City Kansas. I worked as a cook and a chef for 25 years and then taught culinary arts at Johnson County community college for the last 20 years. I've just finished my bachelors degree in business administration and am looking forward to moving and retiring in Ecuador. My silver fox Roberta and I are an easy-going and fun loving couple. I am spiritual she is religious. I plan to visit Ecuador next summer as I am currently working for the Kansas City Kansas school district and have the summers off. I love gardening both vegetables and flowers although the summer in Kansas City has been brutal and dry. I would love to start conversations with anyone currently living in Ecuador and anyone needing a good recipe or tips in smoking meat can feel free to contact me.

I joined expat.com on 17 August 2012.

  • Interests photography, sailing, culinary arts, history, farming
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I would like to move there
I am currently living here