guimotta Brasile


Cittadino Brasiliano che cerca informazioni negli Stati Uniti
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Hello, World! My name is Guilherme Motta, but everybody calls me Gui. I was born in São Paulo and I've lived here my whooole life. Actually I lived in a inner city for 4 years, but I hated the experience haha so.... I'm here just for making friends and If you are american or from somewhere in the world, just talk to me! I love to talk, to help (in case you need), Lets share experiences, go out, .. or..whatever you want haha Big HUG

Sono un utente di dal 22 Agosto 2012

  • Parlo Portuguese, English and a bit of Spanish, French.
  • Interessi personali photography, travelling, cinema, making friends, mall
Registro delle attività
  • guimotta
    espatriato negli Stati Uniti

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