Hisham Abdul Majeed
Saudi expat in England
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Liverpool
Registration: 30 November 2009

Exit & Re - Entry by saad2411
Dear All, Hope you all will be fine Allhamdulillah, I have bit confusion about my exit & Re- Entry, I hope you all will be guide me. I changed my profession as Communications Technician few days back but my kafeel is still individual (Fardi), My ...

Normally you should get a re-entry for up to 10 days before your iqama expires. Read More

4G Connect New Mobily Internet Provider by saimans
Friends, Anyone using this new internet service. If yes, pls let me know hows the performance !!! I just changed from 3G to 4G Mobily, but the service is much worse than the 3G what I used to get earlier. :(

Glad it helped. I don't think we should discuss any illegal practices in the public. ;) Read More

4G Connect New Mobily Internet Provider by saimans
Friends, Anyone using this new internet service. If yes, pls let me know hows the performance !!! I just changed from 3G to 4G Mobily, but the service is much worse than the 3G what I used to get earlier. :(

Does anyone know how to get the blinking green (UMTS) back? That was much better. What is the difference between the blinking green (UMTS) and blinking blue (LTE)? Thanks for any help from people more knowledgeable than me.UMTS, basically, is ... Read More

USED CAMERA....... by sadikm23@hotmail.com
Anyone can help me to find used PROFESSIONAL CAMERA for a low price.Please send information to may E-mail sadikm23@hotmail.com Thanks and Regards ocira

Try expatriates.com http://www.expatriates.com/classifieds/riy/ Read More

STC Jood 2 20 Mbps connection delivered as 7 Mbps by KhalidOkiely
Hi, I recently upgraded my internet speed from 4 Mbps to 20 Mbps, however, whenever I run a speed test on speedtest website the result shows up as 7.04 (more or less) Mbps. I have an EchoLife HG520s (I am not sure if this is the router's model. ...

I'd be grateful with the speed that you are getting. Internet providers always use the word "up to", when mentioning speeds, for this very reason. Read More

Exit Re Entry Visa Bahrain by iamBCman
I'm planning to go to Bahrain this Eid Holidays but I changed my mind. Is there any penalty if I will not used my visa? Thanks.

You have to cancel it, if you are not going to use it. Read More

Relocating to Riyadh.. by iss4m
Hello expats! I have this job offer in Riyadh, I am just a step away from getting it! My main worry is : Do the company that hires you really take your passport? What kind of procedures to follow if you want to go back home for 'personal' or urgent ...

Being a muslim my self I have to admit islam is finishing as a religion world wide a lot of people come to Saudi for hope that there is some element of islam left in the land of our prophet (PBUH) but as some one has already mentioned wait till u ... Read More

Relocating to Riyadh.. by iss4m
Hello expats! I have this job offer in Riyadh, I am just a step away from getting it! My main worry is : Do the company that hires you really take your passport? What kind of procedures to follow if you want to go back home for 'personal' or urgent ...

Screw me Allie!I'm not going to screw you (lol do you know American slang?!?) but I WILL do this to you: :dumbom:Haha Read More

Paypal like websites in KSA by choudhers
Hi all, Are there in websites like paypal in Saudi to be able to take payments and send money via email addresses? thank you

Or check with your bank itself. They might have an option for remittances, through online banking. Read More

Paypal like websites in KSA by choudhers
Hi all, Are there in websites like paypal in Saudi to be able to take payments and send money via email addresses? thank you

Western Union might have online transfers. Not sure though. Read More

Allocated to Saudi by moeabdelaziz
Hi All, I've been appointed for a post in Saudi on 15 days bases in Saudi, I've never been there and I've been hearing from my colleagues about being a single man in Saudi. So please I would like to know what are the laws there and What isn't ...

its not even true it riyadh i was being an asshole riyadh and jeddah both offer great fun, its just different types of activities.Sarcasm-police was off-duty.Nice that you didn't say asshole police :lol:It's Ramadan :D Read More

Best way to send money by choudhers
Hi, I urgently need to send my mum some money from Riyadh to the UK can anyone suggest the best way off doing it right now? I have a bank account with Riyad Bank, but didn't get time to go into the branch today. thank you.

Tahweel Al-Rajhi. They are open at nights during Ramadan and the go-to place for money transfer or issuing demand drafts/cheques. You don't need an account with Al-Rajhi to use them, just your Iqama and they will give you a membership card for use ... Read More

Living in Makkah by T21as7
Dear all, New to this forum..... I have been offered a job at a university in Makkah Would like to know how it compares to other cities and leisure ..... General outlook Salary around 18000 ...... Is it good enough ?

For a single person, 18K sounds good (not taking into consideration, your post or qualifications). Makkah may not be as expensive as Jeddah, but then again, I don't know much about living there. I go there almost every month, but just to the Grand ... Read More

Living in Makkah by T21as7
Dear all, New to this forum..... I have been offered a job at a university in Makkah Would like to know how it compares to other cities and leisure ..... General outlook Salary around 18000 ...... Is it good enough ?

You need to give us a bit more detail than that. How big is your family, housing etc. Generally, Makkah is not laden with entertainment, but you are only 80kms away from Jeddah. Read More

Times of year when crowd in Makkah/Haram is at its minimum? by Amer@Riyadh
I know that a month after Hajj, there is a time period of few weeks when the Umrah Visas are closed and only locals and/or GCC residents can be found in Makkah/Haram. It is one of those times when one there is absolutely no overcrowding and one can ...

If you have elderly people with you, take advantage of the new Tawaf circle, above the ground. They only allow elderly/wheelchairs + one person to accompany them. Sa'ee is usually smooth-flowing even during Ramadan. Read More