Romain Kuntz
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Yokohama, Japan
Registration: 15 June 2005

Another French in Japan by romain
みんなこんにちは。 I am living in Yokohama, Japan since April 2004. I am working as researcher in an university. Lots of work but life is nice! I first came here for a 6 month internship, and ...

Je voulais faire mon stage de DESS a l'etranger, et j'ai eu une occasion de le faire au Japon. Je ne cherchais pas particulierement dans ce pays, bien que je m'y interessais un peu depuis quelques temps. Mon séjour ici m'a tellement plu que je n'ai ... Read More

Expatriates in Japan? by Julien
Hello, There is a lot of expatriates in Japan on inscribed on the Expat.com website, but they don't speak that much at the moment :/ I am personally very keen on Japanese culture, philosophy and way of life. I recently sent a CV to a company in ...

Yes it's possible, you can apply for a VIE (Volontariat International en Entreprise) in Japan. Most of my french friends here have this kind of contract. I think it is the most realistic way to come here to work (at least the first time). Romain Read More

Another French in Japan by romain
みんなこんにちは。 I am living in Yokohama, Japan since April 2004. I am working as researcher in an university. Lots of work but life is nice! I first came here for a 6 month internship, and ...

I could not tell one japanese word when I came here. I have never learned before coming. As I work with french people and japanese who can speak english, it was ok. But I decided to learn japanese to improve my social life :) Actually, speaking is ... Read More

Expatriates in Japan? by Julien
Hello, There is a lot of expatriates in Japan on inscribed on the Expat.com website, but they don't speak that much at the moment :/ I am personally very keen on Japanese culture, philosophy and way of life. I recently sent a CV to a company in ...

Hello Julien, One possibility to come in Japan is the Visa "holiday/work" (Vacances/Travail), you can get a 1-year visa and look for a job once you are in Japan. But you need some money to live here, as long as you don't have a job. Life is not so ... Read More

Another French in Japan
みんなこんにちは。 I am living in Yokohama, Japan since April 2004. I am working as researcher in an university. Lots of work but life is nice! I first came here for a 6 month internship, and ... Read More