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American looking for information about Ecuador

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Lives in Murrieta CA

Registration: 09 September 2012


isisdave replied to a thread
5 years ago

Solar Panels in Ecuador..? by Sponytom

Hello Everyone, I'm moving to Ecuadorian countryside next year and would like to go off grid. Has anyone come across or heard bout possibilities of purchasing solar panels in Ecuador (Cuenca). Thanks a million for any info... Love and Peace... Tomas


I've heard of folks who use those garden lights. They put them outside in the daytime to charge, and bring them in when it gets dark. They're cheap, so you can buy 2x as many as you need if you want 6 or more hours per evening. Also, there ... Read More

isisdave replied to a thread
5 years ago

can i keep my US drivers license? by parrotsrest

my wife and i are planning to sell our property in the US and go on extended visit to Salinas. Minimum 6 months, but our intention is for 1 year or more in each place, we get ready to try a new place we will go, be it 1, 2 or more years. At present ...


If your concern is to have a driver's license, you can renew your current one in advance in many places if you explain you'll be overseas when it expires. Some states used to give an extension by mail, but car rental places don't like ... Read More

isisdave replied to a thread
5 years ago

Should a Full-Time Expat Get Medicare? by cccmedia

Medicare is not honored outside the United States and its territories. So, is there any reason a full-time Expat would get Medicare? Kathleen Peddicord, a full-time Expat who writes for the Live and Invest Overseas media, says yes. Writing from ...


You should remember that after you turn 65, there is generally only one enrollment opportunity for Part B open to you, which is annually from January 1 to March 31. If you sign up in that window, coverage becomes effective on July 1. So if you get ... Read More

isisdave replied to a thread
8 years ago

Customer care in Ecuador by Priscilla

Hello everyone, The way customer services are handled can greatly affect your views on certain brands, products, companies or stores. As a consumer, it is important to get familiar with local practices regarding client assistance in Ecuador and ...


Could you ask the gal pals to speak Spanish with you, maybe on alternate days? Or you speak Spanish to them, asking for help and correction, and let them speak English to you? (But I have more trouble understanding than speaking.) Read More

isisdave replied to a thread
9 years ago


The bottled gas used in Ecuador is not of the same quality as found in the U.S. Many residential areas depend on bottled gas. As gas is not plumbed to most buildings, the newer buildings are installing a supply / storage system. This will be large ...


When you add something cooler than boiling temperature, and of more than a little mass, to boiling water, the boiling will stop because the temperature has dropped. This will happen in Guayaquil as well as Quito, just at a higher temperature. If ... Read More

isisdave replied to a thread
9 years ago

How to Avoid Being Gringo'd in Ecuador by cccmedia

Expat entrepreneur and blogger Dom Buonamici almost got victimized by Gringo pricing in a recent real-estate transaction. Dom found a farming lot to buy last week with some help along the way. Now it was time to compensate his Ecuadorian ...


So, how sure are you that your scout didn't say to the seller, "Let's overprice this by $xxxx and we'll split the extra." Read More

isisdave replied to a thread
10 years ago

Spanish Language Necessity for Citizenship by DXBDINO28

Hi Is it true that to apply for Citizenship One must speak and write Spanish Fluently. What kinds of Questions do they ask ? What if someone cant learn Spanish , do they simply reject the application? Has anyone applied for Citizenship? I am ...


For the US: English Language Exemptions You Are Exempt From The English Language Requirement, But Are Still Required To Take The Civics Test If You Are: Age 50 or older at the time of filing for naturalization and have lived as a permanent ... Read More