American looking for information about United Arab Emirates
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Registration: 29 July 2008

Living in Dubai by Julien
Hi, We don't speak enough about this destination. What do you think about Dubai? I heard several times (but that's for sure a cliché) that it's a very good place to work but not a good place to live. What do you think about it?

Well, I wish you the best of luck for your decision and job. :) Read More

Thinking about moving to abu dhabi or dubai by RTXZ
my 16 year old son was wondering weather he will fit in and what kind of sports are there?

I'm considering moving there as well so I don't have much information yet but I assume that there should be plenty of sports available for your son. Read More

Moving to Abu Dhabi by tobby
Hello all, I'm negociating with an Emirati company in view to move to AD. The job seems to be really interesting but the company i saying they don't want to be bothered with the details and don't want to be involved in providing house, school ...

My company offered me a position in Abu Dhabi and I said that I need some time to decide. If I move there I would like to have a nice appartment, so hopefully you can help me out because all I could find about property in Abu Dhabi is this but I've ... Read More

Local work contract conditions - need your advice by Masdu
Hello, I have just been proposed a job (operational controlling team, in charge of different peformance reporting instruments) in NY (based in Manhattan) and I don't know what to think about the conditions. Any comment regarding the adequation vs ...

As it has been mentioned, I think the offered salary is too low. Read More

What makes you happy? by oreneta
This is not as closely related to expat issues, but I think does bear... What makes you deep down satisfied content...that "life is beautiful" feeling, and here's the clincher...is it the same in different countries or cities you've lived, or does ...

Hmm, good question. I would say having a job I like (means wonderful colleagues, I like the work, etc.) a nice place that I can call home and friends that I can rely on. That's probably it. :) Read More