Joannacashman USA


American looking for information about Ireland
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Greetings I am an American woman who just obtained my Irish citizenship via Foreign Birth as my grandparents where born in Ireland. I am in the process of applying for my Irish Passport. I am obsessed with the possibility of moving to Ireland and filled with equal amounts of excitement and fear. My grandfather was born in Cork and I would love to live there. In live in the Pacific Northwest now and make my living teaching yoga and dance and working part-time as a cardiac rehab nurse RN. I am hungry to resuscitate my sense of adventure about life and I am very concerned about the rise of the military industrial complex in the US and how it may impact our dwindling freedoms in the future. My moving budget would be tight and I would need to find work soon after my arrival. So anyone out there who has made this leap of faith to Ireland please share your stories with me. I want to find the courage to do this to make this change that I am so strongly intuitively pulled towards.

I joined on 06 December 2009.

  • I can speak English
  • Interests cycling, kayaking, yoga, meditation, nursing, contemporary dance, metaphysics, quantum physics, ammachi
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Expat experience

I would like to move there
I am currently living here