Indacampo Canadá


Expatriado canadiense en Panamá
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My spouse and I relocated from Alberta, Canada to the Azuero Peninsula, Panama in May of 2012. In the short time that we have been here we have learned a lot about the Panameño people and culture. We are currently taking Spanish lessons twice a week so we may communicate better with our new found friends. Since moving to our new home we have also adopted two Panameño kittens who entertain us constantly. My blog is a reflection of our daily life, tips for others considering relocating and sometimes just blathering about what's going on in my head.

Miembro desde el 21 Septiembre 2012.

  • Intereses photography, reading, gardening, nature, outdoors, pets
Registro de actividad
  • Indacampo
    se ha sumado a la comunidad Panamá

Experiencia de expatriado

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