My name is Elaine Sims. I am a California girl born and raised. Unfortunately, I have had it with the USA rat race, and I have been thinking of relocating to Ecuador for some time. I was afraid of making this move alone, but now I have an amazing boyfriend who sees this move as a great choice and an amazing opportunity. We have both traveled quite a bit. He tends to favor cold weather climates, like Germany. Whereas, I tend to favor warm, southern climates. Ecuador seems to be the perfect compromise for us, and I can't wait for our one month visit in January, 2013. We are both self-sufficient. I am a bridal designer and can work anywhere that an intenet service and post office exists, He has a law and teaching degree, so I am certain that he will find work that interests him. Money shouldn't be a issue once we liquidate our properties. ~We are counting the days for our trip and hopefully, retirement.
Sono un utente di dal 27 Settembre 2012