leroyswart Sud Africa


Espatriato Sudafricano in Angola
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I used to live in Angola Luanda City Center from 2008 - 2011. I know Luanda and surrounds quite well and can help you with many questions you might have, especially relating to having children with you in Luanda.

Sono un utente di expat.com dal 11 Dicembre 2009

  • Parlo Afr, Eng, 70% Portuguese
  • Interessi personali travel, computers, ectronics, bikesphotography
Registro delle attività
  • leroyswart
    espatriato in Luanda

Percorso di espatrio

Dal Gennaio 2008
Luanda, Angola
Mostra tutto

Study in computers and learn more Portuguese and meet people.

Family live can be tough at times since there aren't many places to get away to without paying the earth for it.

Ora vivo qui
Sud Africa
Sud Africa