Cempaka16 Malaysia


Malaysian expat in Germany
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Would like to form P. Ramlee fan club! The rise of a foreign Jihadist organization, the Qatar/Saudi Arabia's regimes-sponsored Muslim Brotherhood, through its local agents, since the1960s, contributed towards the beginning of Arabic SLAVERY of Malaysian Muslim women/girls (and men/boys) in Malaysia (besides robbing the natural resources of course, especially Malaysia's massive oil and gas). The Muslim Brotherhood completely set back the freedom under modernization, as achieved by the ethnically diverse NON-ARAB Malaysian Muslim women/girls (and men/boys), including the Malays and their ancient Malay culture, including as championed socially by one of Malaysias greatest producer, director, musician, screen/song-writer, singer and actor, especially for the poor or marginalized, P. Ramlee (although many do not realize such great contribution of P. Ramlee, and his wife Saloma, the glamorous, modern and also one of Malaysia's most famous singer and most beautiful woman). Hence, P. Ramlee at the end of his life in early 1970s was treated so shamefully and unjustly, as a Malay outcast, in parallel with the increasingly aggressive rise and strategically politically-socially organized Muslim Brotherhood in Malaysia from the 1970s. In 1973, P. Ramlee (who died at only 40 years old), broken-hearted from his outcast in the film/music industry, and in massive poverty, and his taken-for-granted contribution for Malay/Malaysian Muslim women-girls' (and men/boys') liberation under modernization, in harmonious parallel with traditional Malay/Malaysian culture/identity, was completely broken by the barbarically homogenizing, enslaving, brutal and primitive Arabization. In order to have some understanding to how liberated Malay/Malaysian Muslim women/girls (and men/boys) were before they were enslaved by the Muslim Brotherhood's Arabic veil/culture-politics, began with p ramlee + filmclips + ibumertuaku - at youtube [Ibu Mertuaku (my Mother in-law), is one of Malaysias greatest film by P. Ramlee]. And despite that many Malaysian women wear very liberating clothes, including highly sexy ones whether traditional or modern, at that time, rape or any sexual crimes towards women/girls were minimal. Unlike now, where women/girls in Malaysia, including veiled/non-veiled Muslims or non-Muslims, are living in daily torture under increasingly aggressive sexual crimes, despite of increasing Arabic veiling of Malaysian Muslim women/girls under the Muslim Brotherhood.

I joined expat.com on 01 November 2012.

  • I can speak Malay, English and some German
  • Interests internet, reading, listening to music, trekking, exercising
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