toejo7 Inglaterra


Toejo7, Inglesa procurando informação sobre nos EUA
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I own a home in Florida and pay taxes on the home, I currently work as a self employed chiropodist and have done for twenty years or more. I am financially stable. I want to live permanently in Florida, in order to do so I have to invest a lot of money. At my age I do not want to tie up this money for obvious reasons, health being one, as I would need to carry full medical insurance of a high level. I own a home in UK with plenty of equity along with my husband who is in business also. I have a 100percent clean record Not even points on my drivers license. I would be no liability whatsoever to the USA. Would love to carry on working even part time. I understand I could not work at the level I am qualified to which is a BSc MSSCh MBChA I am registered with the British chiropody association and also hpc. I enjoy work. I do not want to buy a business and employ people. As USA's closest allies it beggars belief that the UK is one of the two only countries excluded from the green card diversity lottery, when people from antagonistic countries are allowed entry. There must be a way for somebody like myself to become resident, people who are financially stable, already own property in USA to be accepted,. Seems to me leading a clean and honest existence and planning for my future helps me not at all. Am very disappointed with the rules they make no sense,.

Inscrevi-me ao no dia 04 Novembro 2012.

  • Gosto de photography, nature, antiques
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  • toejo7
    juntou-se à comunidade de expatriados EUA

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