

New member

American looking for information about Ecuador

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Lives in Cleveland,OH

Registration: 12 November 2012


iamrich replied to a thread
9 years ago

renters and homeowners insurance in Ecuador by johnplov

Hello, I am living in Portland Oregon, and planning to retire with my wife in August 2016. We would like to retire in either Cotacachi or Cuenca, starting in Cotacachi, and moving to Cuenca if Cotacachi is too small for us. We have visited both ...


It is sad that we can not travel with very expensive equipment. Not only is it difficult to lug around, pass through airport security, storing in overhead bins, etc. Big cameras with all the gear make it harder to enjoy the time in-between camera ... Read More

iamrich replied to a thread
9 years ago

renters and homeowners insurance in Ecuador by johnplov

Hello, I am living in Portland Oregon, and planning to retire with my wife in August 2016. We would like to retire in either Cotacachi or Cuenca, starting in Cotacachi, and moving to Cuenca if Cotacachi is too small for us. We have visited both ...


One more thing that you may want to try to do for your most expensive equipment while it is n a travel case. There are very inexpensive GPS tracking devices that are the size of a cars keychain remote. They cost as little as $25 and usually require ... Read More

iamrich replied to a thread
9 years ago

renters and homeowners insurance in Ecuador by johnplov

Hello, I am living in Portland Oregon, and planning to retire with my wife in August 2016. We would like to retire in either Cotacachi or Cuenca, starting in Cotacachi, and moving to Cuenca if Cotacachi is too small for us. We have visited both ...


Hi John, Even though I don't live in Ecuador, I have vacationed there and do plan on taking some longer 90 or 180 day stays in the future. I have the same problem that you have with my camera equipment which has about the same value. I have ... Read More

iamrich replied to a thread
9 years ago

Safety in Ecuador by Christine

Hi, We would like to talk about a sensitive but important topic: do you feel safe in Ecuador? How would you define the level of safety in the country? Can you walk safely during the day and at night without any fear? Do you think there ...


Like anywhere else in the world you need to use a lot of common sense and know your surroundings. When we visited Quito and Cuenca this year we were told by many taxi and tour operators who are locals where not to go at night and where to be ... Read More