indianabroad Índia


Indianabroad, expatriado Indiano em Singapura
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Hi everyone... Sougata here :) . I am an Indian national moving to Singapore at the end of this month of April. Prior to Singapore i have lived in France, Spain, South Africa. I have been an expat since 2007 living in multiple countries in different cities like Paris, Barcelona etc.

Inscrevi-me ao no dia 31 Dezembro 2009.

  • Falo English , French , Hindi , Bengali, Spanish
  • Gosto de photography, music, history, nguage, partying, food, drink, travell
Registro de atividade
  • indianabroad
    juntou-se à comunidade de expatriados Singapura

Experiência expat

Desde Maio 2014
Singapore, Singapura
Desde Fevereiro 2013
África do Sul
Pretória, África do Sul
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I have just landed here last week.

Can't say right now

Dez 2009 - Fev 2013
Barcelona, Espanha
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It was awesome to live in Barcelona as if you feel you are living at the centre of the world.

A bit close minded catalan people...

Jun 2008 - Abr 2009
Paris, França
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My life was the most beautiful....Ahh Paris...Je t'aime paris beaucoup...after finishing my PhD here may be will return there.

Dnt wanna think anything that i didnt liked..

Set 2007 - Mai 2008
Nice, França
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Though i was not exactly in NIce but very close to it...a small technical valley called Sophia Antipolis. Its called the Silicon Valley of Europe

As i was living in Sophia , so not in exact city so life without a card there is pretty troublesome.
