American looking for information about Nigeria
Forum posts
About me
Lives in New York
Speaks English, Spanish
Registration: 09 December 2012

Starting a teaching position January 7, 2013 by ChanTwo
I'll be starting a teaching position at American International School in Lagos on January 7, 2013.

Congratulations. What will you be teaching and how did your travel arrangements work out? Did you go through Musa John? Read More

Women in Lagos- Victoria Island
HI: I am looking to move to Victoria Island Lagos, and I would like to know the level of safety for women living in the area? Also, do you recommend me hiring a driver upon my arrival? Read More

Bamenda University of Science and Technology by ChanTwo
Does it really exist? Is it legitimate? Is its supposed location about 15km outside Bamenda out in the middle of nowhere or is there at least a community of sorts around it? And why are there no details about that part of Cameroon showing up on ...

As far as I know it does exist based upon its website and correspondence I have received. I will update you as to how things go. Looking to move within the next month. Read More

Renting an Apartment in Cameroon by ChanTwo
I've been told that in order to rent an apartment in Cameroon, not only do you have to pay the rent for the entire lease period (e.g. six months) in advance, but also have to pay what we in the States call a "security deposit" that is equal to half ...

Have you accepted your position and moved to Cameroon? Read More