kevk Inglaterra


Kevk, expatriado Inglês em Portugal
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i am from london in the uk but now live in europ lisbon portugal with my wife and famley for more than 2 years were i am now looking for work as a truck driver.or estates agent or office manager genral or transport also i have teaching english for more than 2 years as i have a t.e.f.l.. i have more than 20 years experance as a truck driver in the uk also in all of europ so if some one knows a drivers job please let me know

Inscrevi-me ao no dia 17 Dezembro 2012.

  • Falo english german romaina
  • Gosto de driving traveling
Registro de atividade
  • kevk
    juntou-se à comunidade de expatriados Lisboa

Experiência expat

Jan 2013 - Set 2013
Lisboa, Portugal
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not a lot but its a poor country

Set 2001 - Ago 2010
Londres, Inglaterra
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i was born in the uk and lived there most of my life till i moved to europ in 1998

discrimnation the people and some of there idears

Roma, Inglaterra
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i am looking at the possablty or working in real estate i have have more than 2 years dowing this kind of work in budapest before but would also consider staying in transport

nothink never lived there so i can not really say much about it