JJ1212 USA


American looking for information about Cayman Islands
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I'm a small town, Central California girl that has decided it's now or never for the adventure of a life time! I have experience working in retail, restaurants and mainly, medical offices as a lead medical assiatant. Here's how I got here... I loved Hawaii but the local dislike of tourists was a major turn-off so I've moved on to the caribbean for all of the obvious reasons. I would love to spend some time living and working in the caribbean and am looking for advice on where/ where not and why I should choose one place over another. I spent some time on Grand Cayman recently and loved the people there but worry that "vacation mode" clouded my judgement. Even so, I daydream constantly and crave blue skies, clear waters and the warm humid air. Since I've not been able to visit all the caribbean any reccomendations on the best place for a CA girl would be greatly appreciated! Can't wait to hear from everyone out there!!

I joined expat.com on 21 December 2012.

Expat experience

I would like to move there
Cayman Islands
Cayman Islands
I am currently living here