LindaSeru Inghilterra


Cittadina Inglese che cerca informazioni alle Isole Fiji
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Hi expats ... I lived and worked in Fiji in the 1980's as a VSO.... married a firewalker from Beqa... we have two children and a grand daughter... and having been made redundant are now considering returning to our former life as subsistence farmers and maybe even set up an ecotourism business or hydroponics??? who knows what the future holds... But please can someone let me know if ther eisa decent furniture store in Suva these days? I am especially concerned about obtaining a good mattress as we coucdl only ever get foam mattresses when we lived in Suva previously.... any other advice about what we need to bring or what is available regarding solar power, generators etc for remote isalnd living would all be very welcome... I look forward to hearing from anyone... about any aspect of living in Fiji in the 21 century! Loloma bibi Linda

Sono un utente di dal 29 Dicembre 2012

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  • LindaSeru
    espatriato alle Isole Fiji

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