aroth USA


American looking for information about Ethiopia
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I am 68 year old man from a tiny town in central Utah. I started out to see the world and if you count Crete, Mykonos and Santorini, I visited 16 countries. Then I found Ethiopia and I now need look no further. In three weeks I will be going back for my 5th time. It is my most favorite place on this planet! I spend my time mostly in and around Turmi in the very south of the country. Both the Habesha as well as the Hamar people are the friendliest, most welcoming people that I have ever met. I am also working to translate the Hamar language into English. It has always been strictly an oral language, never written before. I am hoping that my endeavor will in some small way make schooling easier for those Hamar youth that are now just starting to attend school. This is not an easy task since the teachers speak no Hamar and the Hamar students speak no Amharic nor English, the two languages taught in the small schools in the area. I am seriously considering moving to Turmi to live out the rest of my days.

I joined on 05 January 2013.

  • Interests culture, travel, peop, nguage, life itself
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Expat experience

I would like to move there
I am currently living here