meaghan EUA


Meaghan, Americana procurando informa��o sobre no Mexico
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basically im just wanting to knowof some schools for my son. he is a merican citizen and does speak some spanish. about 20 % he knows. not alot. :( i came across this page by a link i found on google about some lady from iowa that got a job in reynosa. any information will be helpfull. a few questions i have.... 1. does the elementry schools speak AND TEACH in english? like a,b,c's and numbers and basic pre-school /elementry in america? 2. since im planning on living there for a while with my husband(born in mexico) if our son goes to school MEXICO will later in life when he goes to college, will they not let him apply since he didnt study in america? will we have problems? 3. are we able to LIVE in reynosa and just have our son go to a school on the american border? how would i go about doing that? 4. and MYSELF, would i be able to work in america while living in reynosa?

Inscrevi-me ao no dia 29 Janeiro 2013.

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  • meaghan
    juntou-se � comunidade de expatriados Mexico

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