misskatetwila Filippine


Cittadina Filippina che cerca informazioni in Svizzera
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Hello everyone, I'm from Philippines and I'm still currently living here right now. I am 22 years old and I am a graduate of Information Technology. And it is my dream to work in Switzerland. And i am looking for information on how to get a job there and what are the things i needed. I hope you can share some information for me guys. thanks! :) And I'm looking forward on having some friends here. ;)

Sono un utente di expat.com dal 06 Febbraio 2013

  • Parlo Tagalog and English
  • Interessi personali cooking, dancing, eating, video editing, web programming, arning german nguage
Registro delle attività
  • misskatetwila
    espatriato in Svizzera

Percorso di espatrio

Vorrei trasferirmi lì
Dal Aprile 2012
Cebu, Filippine