maybetooblonde USA


American expat in Germany
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This is my story of an American family of two parents, four kids, and one dog moving from the mountainous Western United States to the rolling hills of Germany and all the antics that ensue. As well as being an expat blog, this blog deals extensively with travel as we have made it a goal to see every single country on the map of Europe while we are here. If you enjoyed what you've read, share the love and give my blog one little click on the thumbs up "like" button please. Thanks, and happy travels friends!

I joined on 06 March 2013.

  • I can speak English, pequeño Spanish, 8th grade French, German travel phrases "Wo ist ein toilette?!"
  • Interests photography, hiking, reading, travel, eating
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Expat experience

Since August 2012
Heidelberg, Germany
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I'm a stay at home mom of four great kids. Made it a goal to see every European country while we live in Germany. Working our way around Europe!

Heidelberg is a major tourist destination and can be crowded at times.

Nov 1974 - Aug 2012
Salt Lake City, USA
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I grew up here. Utah born and bred!