


English expat in Spain

Forum posts




About me


Lives in Ginestar

Registration: 17 March 2013


campogirl replied to a thread
9 years ago

What do you like the most in Spain? by Christine

Hi, Living abroad, expats discover and enjoy a new environment. What do you like the most in Spain? What seduced you when settling and living here? Share with us your favorite part of living in Spain and the reason why you enjoy your ...


We often holidayed in Wales and Scotland and always wanted to live near mountains when we retired and we have 360 deg views of mountains now. Though we did not expect it to be in another country. Add to this the weather. Just spent a month in ... Read More

campogirl replied to a thread
9 years ago

Safety in Spain by Christine

Hi, We would like to talk about a sensitive but important topic: do you feel safe in Spain? How would you define the level of safety in the country? Can you walk safely during the day and at night without any fear? Do you think there is ...


I cant speak for other parts of Spain, but where I live, all but one of the burgleries I know about over the last ten years have been carried out by British or Romanian, mostly the latter. The exception was a young Spanish lad in his early ... Read More

campogirl replied to a thread
9 years ago

Safety in Spain by Christine

Hi, We would like to talk about a sensitive but important topic: do you feel safe in Spain? How would you define the level of safety in the country? Can you walk safely during the day and at night without any fear? Do you think there is ...


On a safety issue rather than security, we have a lot of wild boar about this year. They usually go up in to the mountains in the summer but for some reason a lot have stayed this year. I suspect it is because there is less shooting than in the ... Read More

campogirl replied to a thread
9 years ago

Spanish Bureaucracy by HelenLancs

Well after my fifth trip to the Town Hall Mum and I are now officially on the electoral register and can start to proceed with our Residencia applications. As I sat there this morning on my fifth visit I thought about all the horror stories I was ...


Thanks Anne Marie Read More

campogirl replied to a thread
9 years ago

Spanish Bureaucracy by HelenLancs

Well after my fifth trip to the Town Hall Mum and I are now officially on the electoral register and can start to proceed with our Residencia applications. As I sat there this morning on my fifth visit I thought about all the horror stories I was ...


I and a lot of others around here are just as bemused by the town hall Culebronchris. The only thing I can think of is the last two mayors have been from a different party to the one previous who was happy to give padrons, and it is to spite him. ... Read More

campogirl replied to a thread
9 years ago

Spanish Bureaucracy by HelenLancs

Well after my fifth trip to the Town Hall Mum and I are now officially on the electoral register and can start to proceed with our Residencia applications. As I sat there this morning on my fifth visit I thought about all the horror stories I was ...


Since my last post we now have a new mayor. So we decided to attempt another try at getting a Padron. A week later we received a letter refusing on the grounds we lived outside the village. In oher words we still have to be registered in a ... Read More

campogirl replied to a thread
9 years ago

Safety in Spain by Christine

Hi, We would like to talk about a sensitive but important topic: do you feel safe in Spain? How would you define the level of safety in the country? Can you walk safely during the day and at night without any fear? Do you think there is ...


I live in the country half a kilometre from the nearest house and feel physically safe. I walk my dog on my own, and anyone could approach me as she is friendly. However, there have been a lot of thefts from property in the last eight or nine ... Read More

campogirl replied to a thread
9 years ago

Moving to Spain by Geomotrix

Molly here, looking to move to Spain with my husband, we would be happy to hear from anyone who has private health insurance or has knowledge of which ones may be the best. Thanks to this site we have a lot of other useful info :)


You are in the US, but are you UK citizens with UK pension. If so what I said goes. If you are American, sorry I don't know the drill. Remember you will need further advice if you took early retirement, but if you are over state pension age ... Read More

campogirl replied to a thread
9 years ago

Moving to Spain by Geomotrix

Molly here, looking to move to Spain with my husband, we would be happy to hear from anyone who has private health insurance or has knowledge of which ones may be the best. Thanks to this site we have a lot of other useful info :)


I assume you are under retirement age. If so I will let others help. If you are from outside the EU you are best looking up the info on the web. If you are already retired in the UK, or the EU when you register as resident, you can apply for a ... Read More

campogirl replied to a thread
9 years ago

Tax Clarifications - Resident/Non resident by elainej

I am confused about the tax situation if you have been in Spain more than 183 days!! My understanding is now anyone staying more than 183 days in any tax year has to pay tax on their worldwide income. However I found the following information. Is ...


Oh and John c I am speaking only about EU citizens. I do not have any knowledge or experience about non EU. Read More

campogirl replied to a thread
9 years ago

Tax Clarifications - Resident/Non resident by elainej

I am confused about the tax situation if you have been in Spain more than 183 days!! My understanding is now anyone staying more than 183 days in any tax year has to pay tax on their worldwide income. However I found the following information. Is ...


Hi Elaine Not sure where you are getting your information from. If you know someone who lives here permanently or for more than183 days a year and is not registered as resident, they are breaking the law. Residency is nothing to do with where you ... Read More

campogirl replied to a thread
9 years ago

Tax Clarifications - Resident/Non resident by elainej

I am confused about the tax situation if you have been in Spain more than 183 days!! My understanding is now anyone staying more than 183 days in any tax year has to pay tax on their worldwide income. However I found the following information. Is ...


Then you will be resident in your original country for tax purposes, wherever you may roam. In your example, with a UK limited company, you would be paying tax in the UK I would assume if you were born in the UK. Read More

campogirl replied to a thread
9 years ago

Tax Clarifications - Resident/Non resident by elainej

I am confused about the tax situation if you have been in Spain more than 183 days!! My understanding is now anyone staying more than 183 days in any tax year has to pay tax on their worldwide income. However I found the following information. Is ...


Hi Elainej Non Resident A non-resident is liable to pay income tax only on monies that are earned within Spain. A non-resident will not normally qualify for any deductions or allowances. - If you are non resident (only in Spain for 183 days or ... Read More

campogirl replied to a thread
9 years ago

Tax Clarifications - Resident/Non resident by elainej

I am confused about the tax situation if you have been in Spain more than 183 days!! My understanding is now anyone staying more than 183 days in any tax year has to pay tax on their worldwide income. However I found the following information. Is ...


Just another tip for those that are not aware. The Spanish tax year is from 1 Jan to 31 Dec. If you become resident say for example in April and have already put in your tax in the UK for the previous April to April 4 of the year you become ... Read More

campogirl replied to a thread
9 years ago

Tax Clarifications - Resident/Non resident by elainej

I am confused about the tax situation if you have been in Spain more than 183 days!! My understanding is now anyone staying more than 183 days in any tax year has to pay tax on their worldwide income. However I found the following information. Is ...


Just another tip for those that are not aware. The Spanish tax year is from 1 Jan to 31 Dec. If you become resident say for example in April and have already put in your tax in the UK for the previous April to April 4 of the year you become ... Read More