I am an argentinean living in Tokyo. I arrived in february 2014 and I am planning to stay here during the next few years. I worked in the hotel industry for the last 15 years but i am currently enjoying some free time to travel and to write I also lived in Seoul (South Korea). Please check my blog: http://sergolondrina.com (in spanish) or some of my articles in english here: http://taiken.co/writer/marina-villar
Sono libero professionista Professione Degree in Marketing and Degree in Hotel Management
Sono un utente di expat.com dal 24 Marzo 2013
Altre foto scattate da Marina Villar
I moved to Seoul because of my husband´s job.
The city is very safe, well organized, clean and easy to walk around. It is great to do outdoor sports, specially running and cycling. People is lovely and warm (of course not immediately). It will take a while, but once you get to know them, they will became like a family. For me It was a great experience although I was not able to find a full time job.