AyanGupta Índia


AyanGupta, expatriado Indiano na Tanzânia
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My self Ayan Gupta from Calcutta, India MBA and Business Intelligence solution Developer & Business Systems and Information Management in International Business including SAS, C#, SQ L Server, .NET, DATA WAREHOUSING, ADV. Excel etc. with more than 10years experience in Business Development,sales,marketing and IT field. Managerial position in international finance includes Business Development and Accounts, marketing and sales Division. To secure a rewarding assignment to lead to its next level through skillful management and by Motivating, training and supporting the team to achieve higher standards of performance.

Inscrevi-me ao expat.com no dia 01 Abril 2013.

  • Falo English,Hindi,Bengali,german,swahili
  • Gosto de internet surfing, computer games, it information
Registro de atividade
  • AyanGupta
    juntou-se � comunidade de expatriados Dar es Salaam

Experi�ncia expat

Estou a viver aqui agora
Dar es Salaam, Tanzânia
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I am looking for a job opportunity in Dar es Salaam Tanzania.

no false commitment
