Drizz Turchia


Espatriato Turco in Qatar
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I was born in Dubai and my parents are half brit half goan. We moved to Pakistan shortly after. I lived there for almost 16 years then I moved to Turkey to study. Stayed here got married and have been here in Ankara since 1997 (one year in Accra, Ghana 2006 - 2007). Worked for 6 years as Admin/Finance Manager on and off site in a Turkish/US construction company specializing in US Embassy projects. Just finished the new Embassy project in Belgrade Serbia (2013). Im easy going and my hobbies include RC planes and helicopters, music, tech and movies.

Sono un utente di expat.com dal 02 Aprile 2013

  • Parlo English, Turkish, Urdu
  • Interessi personali music, movies, tech, rc pnes helis
Registro delle attività
  • Drizz
    espatriato a Doha

Percorso di espatrio

Dal Marzo 2013
Doha, Qatar
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