apricot_purin Svizzera


Cittadina Svizzera che cerca informazioni nella Corea del Sud
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Hello ? Inspirit, fashion, photography, Vietnamese, living in Switzerland, high school student majoring in music. If you want to talk, contact me by e-mail :D : apricot.purin@gmail.com

Sono un utente di expat.com dal 18 Maggio 2013

  • Parlo English, French, German, Vietnamese, little Japanese and little Korean
  • Interessi personali photography, music, fashion, Drawing, kpop, nguage exchange
Registro delle attività
  • apricot_purin
    espatriato a Losanna

Percorso di espatrio

Dal Marzo 1997
Corea del Sud
Losanna, Corea del Sud
Mostra tutto

To finish high school quickly to get in East Asia as soon as possible !

Town is boring. I think due to the slowness of this country, teenager like me would be easily bored. Like if the only way for teens to play is to go to clubs... I find food a bit pricey in general.

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