Hi, I am looking at retiring in a couple of years and have started my research to see where the best spot on this great earth for me to be. I have always loved to travel but now I am looking for a new home. As a single woman I have the luxury of the choice but also the burden. I am currently living in New Mexico, which is a great place, but I know that when the time comes for me to retire I will need to find a less expensive place. I am interested in Mexico, Spain, Portugal, Guatemala and Ecuador.....That's a good start for now.
Sou uma mulher.
Sou .
Inscrevi-me ao expat.com no dia 28 Maio 2013.
Enjoy....enjoy....enjoy! Dig into the history and culture.....and drink wonderful Spanish wines, listen to the music, dance and eat as if there is not tomorrow.
Meet new people, explore, work on my Spanish language skills, walk on the beach with my dogs, find love and find nurturing for my soul.
Beautiful beaches, beautiful people, lots to do
Too hot for me in the summer.