Roryshaffer USA


American looking for information about Ecuador
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My hubby and I have recently retired from the military. We still have a couple more years before our children are out on their own , but we do travel outside the US a lot and I love to research and came a crossed an article with many different countries that are favorable for retirement. We are always wanting to go new places and make new friends so it is with in reason for us to look for a place outside the US. We currently live in Idaho in the high desert, but we are 30 miles from the mountains so we have the best of both worlds. The one thing we would love to live is on the coast line. We both find anywhere near water to be peaceful and smoothing in many ways. People look at us and ask us what we do and I say we are professional bums with an income. Not sure why so many people get tied up in how old someone is. We both draw pensions and we certainly love the freedom of not being property of the government or to a job.

I joined on 31 May 2013.

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I would like to move there
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