Indian looking for information about Papua New Guinea
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Lives in Karnataka
Registration: 07 June 2013

Processing time for visa approval by scorpion13
My employer told me that my working permit. Was approved already. May I know the processing lead time for visa approval. I'm done wt final medical exam as advised by agency. Btw, I will be asigned in lae.

can someone advise me as to how long the entire process takes. My papers have just been submitted for registration at the nursing council. Read More

Processing time for visa approval by scorpion13
My employer told me that my working permit. Was approved already. May I know the processing lead time for visa approval. I'm done wt final medical exam as advised by agency. Btw, I will be asigned in lae.

Thank you. Sounds like India !!!! Yeah first time in PNG. Have viewd the thread on safety. Wats the price of food stuff in Tabubil.... Read More

hows life in tabubil as an expat? by kwindainty
hi everyone, i am a filipina and considering a job offer in tabubil for 6 months or a year. would anyone of you please share your experiences living as an expat there? ive been working in a big city and used to things that a big city can offer. ...

what things are available at the shops in tabubil. What's the cost like. How far is the tabubil international school. Do they have pick and drop off's. What kind of housing is provided by the mining company. Theo Read More