Venezuelan expat in Chile
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Santiago
Registration: 12 June 2013

needing info on chile by ejaz17777
hi guys,would someone be able to tell me how easy is it to change a visit visa into a business visa once i am there,i wana come from south afrcia to start up a shop,i dont know any body there,but before i come,i want some usefull info,and how would ...

These are the requisites for getting the visa, but they are in spanish: http://www.extranjeria.gov.cl/filesapp/TE7%20ISO.pdf I want to stress that you need to learn some spanish before coming here, even more so if you don't know anybody, because ... Read More

needing info on chile by ejaz17777
hi guys,would someone be able to tell me how easy is it to change a visit visa into a business visa once i am there,i wana come from south afrcia to start up a shop,i dont know any body there,but before i come,i want some usefull info,and how would ...

It's not that hard if you bring all the paperwork and money you need (I'm assuming you're talking about the investor's visa?). Do you know any spanish? Most people here don't speak english so that could be a problem for you. Read More