Ivanka Petkova
@Ivanka Petkova
Bulgarian citizen
Forum posts
About me
Lives in Sofia
Speaks Bulgarian, English, Castelliano, Spanish, Russian,
Registration: 12 June 2013

Need to have companys accounts done. by mkaas
Hi, The person who usually does our accounts for our BG company has disapeared, does anyone know someone good, honest & reasonable?

Hello, Are you still looking por acountant company in Bulgaria? Ivanka Petkova Read More

Buying property in Bulgaria by Christine
Hi, can a foreigner buy property in Bulgaria? If so, is it complicated? What is the process of purchasing a property in Bulgaria? Any tips for buying property, such as a check-list of items to verify ? Thanks in advance for ...

Actually you can buy property in Bulgaria and without a firm in this case makes another type of registration for foreigners who have property in Bulgaria. If you do not do business with this company it is better to try to get a residence with a bank ... Read More

Buying property in Bulgaria by Christine
Hi, can a foreigner buy property in Bulgaria? If so, is it complicated? What is the process of purchasing a property in Bulgaria? Any tips for buying property, such as a check-list of items to verify ? Thanks in advance for ...

hello Mikkel. I understand you are from Denmark is the country which is a member of the European Union. To get a residence in Bulgaria will need based on what being in the country. If you own a registered company in Bulgaria will actually be ... Read More

Buying property in Bulgaria by Christine
Hi, can a foreigner buy property in Bulgaria? If so, is it complicated? What is the process of purchasing a property in Bulgaria? Any tips for buying property, such as a check-list of items to verify ? Thanks in advance for ...

Maybe now is a good time to buy property in Bulgaria as prices are quite low. At resorts complex starting at 450E per square meter. when you make your purchase, be aware that if it is complex, then you will have maintenance fee which starts at 6 ... Read More

Staring small business in Bulgaria by wie
Hi, My name is Mark and i am an American living in the states. I am considering moving to Bulgaria and starting a small business possibly in Sofia, or Plovdiv or Varna but i don't know much about what there are for viable options. can you direct ...

hello Aurélie, thanks for the comment,I am chief accountant and the information provaided is by my experience. The full text you can see in the web of Bulgarian Tax administration www.nap.bg and www.investbulgaria.com Read More

Business in Bulgaria - How do you start? by tonyfs
Dear friends, Recently there are many companies seeking the low salaries in Bulgaria, to better the economy in there respective company or to settle and work 100% from Bulgaria. Why? To compete in prices it is necessary to find a place and ...

Business en Bulgaria 1.Cost of setting up a company in Bulgaria -around 400-700Euros. Registration process about 2-3 weeks. To register limited liability company have to open a bank account in local bank and deposit capital of 1Euro min. The tax ... Read More

Staring small business in Bulgaria by wie
Hi, My name is Mark and i am an American living in the states. I am considering moving to Bulgaria and starting a small business possibly in Sofia, or Plovdiv or Varna but i don't know much about what there are for viable options. can you direct ...

Hello Mark, you can see this information: Business en Bulgaria 1.Cost of setting up a company in Bulgaria -around 400-700Euros. Registration process about 2-3 weeks. To register limited liability company have to open a bank account in local bank ... Read More