MunozAlejandro Mexique


Expatrié Mexicain au Canada
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3 posts sur le forum


Hello, my name is Alejandro, though you may call me Al, ;) and I'm 24 years old as of today (15/06/13). I decided to join this site to expand and make friends with -people who speak other languages.- I'm fluent in Spanish and English... currently trying to learn French, Russian, and Hungarian. My goals are to: -1st of all, further my French by having conversations with French people. -2nd then, fortify my Russian vocabulary, since it's lacking -3rd, have conversations in Russian... and so on. as previously stated, I'm more than willing to make new friends with people. I'm also willing to make more formal relationships, like networking. please ask me anything you please to know about me. :)

Je suis membre depuis le 15 Juin 2013.

  • Je parle Spanish, English (fluently), French (partially), Russian, Japanese (scarcely), Hungarian (still learning)
  • Dans la vie, j'aime cooking, nguages, walking, cartoon art
Activité récente

Mon parcours

Depuis Août 2003
Toronto, Canada
Afficher plus

-I've lived all my teen years here. -I did all of High school here -I mastered English here. -Here is where I'm going to College.

-Everything is too far apart, relatively speaking -Phone contracts are insanely long

Depuis Mai 1989
Jalisco, Mexique
Afficher plus

I was born here, and have also lived half of my life here.

-Lack of comfortable economic conditions