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Cittadina Americana che cerca informazioni in Egitto
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live in l horse town in va where the people are homogeneous in thought possess a frightening myopia, are prejudiced, conservative, traditional, think alike, dress alike, belong to the same organizations and are BORING. I WANT PEACE, FREEDOM, JUSTICE, EQUALITY, NONVIOLENCE, COMPASSION, AND GOOD WILL TOWARDS ALL "FRIENDS" AROUND THE GLOBE. ONE'S AGE, RELIGION, GENDER, ECONOMIC STATUS, PHYSICAL ABILITIES OR DISABILITIES, ETHNICITY ARE MEANINGLESS AND ONLY LENS WE APPLY TO JUDGE EACH OTHER BY MATERIAL GOALS AND IGNORE THE HEART, MIND, AND SOUL.

Sono un utente di expat.com dal 19 Giugno 2013

  • Parlo more reading than speaking - spanish, french, german, arabic, english, polish, latin (?), hieroglyphics
  • Interessi personali photography, music, nature, archeology, paontology
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    espatriato in Egitto

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