yakay Stati Uniti


Cittadina Americana che cerca informazioni in Belize
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I am from Michigan and I have been doing mission work in various nations since 1980, living in each for several months to 2 years. Also I have moved around in the USA living in Oklahoma, Texas, Georgia, Florida since leaving Michigan in the 80's..now back in Michigan saying goodbye to aging parents. I like people, like meeting new people, and it is my nature to help people. I have a good ear to hear what others are saying. I am looking for the right people to settle among and live out the rest of my life with, a community that cares about others and respects others and their differences, and allows participation with as desired but also allows quiet time to paint and do art work.

Sono un utente di expat.com dal 24 Giugno 2013

  • Parlo English, some Spanish, German
  • Interessi personali photography, painting, cssical music, communicating with ors
Registro delle attività
  • yakay
    espatriato in Belize

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